Anime Snafu Guy Acts Like a Girl

Anime Snafu Guy Acts Like a Girl


Hachiman Hikigaya is an blah high school student with narcissistic and semi-nihilistic tendencies. He firmly believes that blithesome youth is cipher but a farce, and everyone who says otherwise is just lying to themselves.

In a novel penalty for writing an essay mocking modern social relationships, Hachiman's teacher forces him to join the Volunteer Service Order, a club that aims to extend a helping hand to whatever student who seeks their support in achieving their goals. With the just other club member being the beautiful ice queen Yukino Yukinoshita, Hachiman finds himself on the front line of other people'southward problems—a place he never dreamed he would be. As Hachiman and Yukino use their wits to solve many students' problems, will Hachiman's rotten view of club prove to be a hindrance or a tool he tin can apply to his advantage?

[Written by MAL Rewrite]


Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. adapts the first 6 novels of Wataru Watari's light novel series of the same title.

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May 26, 2014

Overall 9
Story viii
Animation 9
Audio 9
Character 10
Enjoyment viii

Yahari Ore isn't the first anime to tackle the anti-social protagonist, but it certainly captures it perfectly with its characters and deadpan writing. Like others have said before, y'all may become into this expecting a typical rom-com but will instead come up out of it lashed by the harsh views of our characters. This however, is why this anime stands out from so many in the genre. It's mannerly, funny and yet bluntly realistic. Far too ofttimes rom-coms go stuck in the fairy tale realm of romance stories, or go too wrapped up in the emotional drama/turmoil that can exist present in youthful romance. Those elements are fine. But what well-nigh the bitter, and rejected? Or those that aren't immune to fit in, or who choose non to fit in.

Not everyone of grade has had this feel, but it's certainly something that people experience. And then this is what Yahari Ore does best, it gives us a perspective of those in school who have been rejected so much, they decide to play past their ain rules, and that of course is excluding everyone else from the game. Afterall, it's much easier to get on by when you lot only accept yourself to rely on.

This anime doesn't preach to the audience. And certainly, the view points of these characters are sometimes flawed. But information technology's an interesting look at how some people deal with their failure to connect to others (or rather, what can happens to someone when people reject and close them out). Yahari Ore also looks at it from the other perspective, and isn't trying to pigment one side as the victim/aggressor. Nosotros become a look at how hateful and roughshod we tin be to each other when trying to fend for ourselves past fitting to the condition quo. Only this is truthful of both the rejected and those that pass up.

At its core this show is very funny. The MC'south bitter sense of humour and harsh views of the world is hilarious (even if it always has an underlining seriousness to it). And to exist clear, this isn't a serious drama. Nonetheless, my praise focuses and then much on the serious elements of the show, because I call back that is what elevates this to a truly peachy Anime vs. a typical comedy. In that location is a lot of truth to this prove, and information technology feels very realistic. Through the lens of the MC's harsh view on the world, we get a deep expect at social behaviors and how oftentimes everyone is just trying to be something that won't be shunned from the pack.

If you are someone looking for a romance anime to watch, this might not be it. The romance in this anime isn't non-existent, it's actually well written in a realistic manner (it doesn't fall into the typical tropes). Notwithstanding, if you are looking for romance with a lot of action, then you might exist let down. The romance in this anime is more nigh feelings, and how they can grow towards others. This is to say, the romance feels like something special here, but you will not get any closure or sweeping activity betwixt specific characters (perhaps later in the LN or if nosotros get a flavor 2). Although I don't call up that's what this anime is about, every bit ultimately its focus is more on how people internally deal with their emotions, and the fear of sharing them with others.

Yahari Ore is an case of why comedy is such a cracking asset to art. Comedy allows us to look at aspects of life that aren't ever good and allows us to examine the darker aspect of our humanity, and laugh while also getting a amend understanding of it. Yes, this is a comedy that is for the about part, snarky, sarcastic and deadpan. But it'due south also a very interesting perspective on how nosotros treat other people, and how those that don't fit in, (or those that choose not to play the game and try to fit in), deal with a world that heavily relies on existence social.

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Jun 30, 2013

Overall three
Story 3
Blitheness 5
Sound 3
Character three
Enjoyment ane

My youth romantic comedy is incorrect as I expected. But my expectations were not.
Spring "blesses" us with yet another highschool anime about a guy who comes into contact with a bunch of girls in a school club.

What started out generic besides ended generic and nothing of value has been gained.
It's not merely deplorable for the manufacture only also lamentable for Brains Base to produce such a subpar work, when in the past they were responsible for great shows like Baccano and Mawaru Penguindrum.


"Yahari" has no overall story, it'due south just virtually a boy named Hikigaya and his school life. The testify goes in no direction, builds upward no goal to aim for, no romance no drama, no big lesson. While other slice of life school romcoms have at least something to aim for like, graduation, a romantic relationship or a different goal in life, Yahari stays truthful to slice of life and just shows u.s.a. character interactions and some events.

If information technology doesn't take a story, does it have anything else to offer?
Yes and no.
While shows without story take normally things like, great artwork, soundtrack, interesting characters, settings or concepts. None of this was constitute in Yahari, the jokes were sometimes funny and sometimes you didn't care. I was wondering why I am even watching this anymore every bit it was clear zip was going on. It revolved around the aforementioned affair the entire time without whatever clear path to go. Stumbling from one tedious school issue to the side by side it felt so dragged out and couldn't continue me interested.

Even for its genre it did nothing new or groundbreaking. There are a lot of ameliorate shows like to Yahari that were at least enjoyable to sentinel.


Information technology all boils down to Hachiman, the anti-social protagonist with witty comments on the insignificance of school life and schoolhouse friends. While at showtime I liked his cynical view on his environment as it reminded me of my own view on school life, it became very dry out at some point as information technology was the same affair over and over.
He showed no existent progression and he alone is not enough to save this anime.

Yukino was the other half decent grapheme, she too had a very cynical outlook on life merely was a more honorable educatee than Hachiman. Her personality though stagnated and became tiresome later on a while. Besides being savage and insulting she had nil else to offering.

Yui was a possible love interest for the MC merely the show decided to simply leave that alone and make absolutely nothing with information technology. She is but a naive girl and totally bland and wearisome. Like the rest of the support characters.

Saika was the just ane who had an entertaining interaction with the MC but but because of the homosexual tension. Also that he was a personality less trap just for fan-service.

You know, if yous have no story to offer then please offer an interesting cast. Yahari has merely one interesting graphic symbol and that is not enough to keep me interested and entertained for 13 boring episodes.

Art and Animation:

You know how well Baccano was blithe? The surreal art style Mawaru Penguindrum had? Or the pretty colors in Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun?
Well Yahari had admittedly nothing similar that.
It looked so cheap, the character designs were pretty generic and bad executed. The surrounding were so dull to expect at, it had no special furnishings or interesting creative treats for the eye.

Yahari looked just really really generic to borderline bad. I'chiliad confused how Brains Base of operations could produce such a cheap looking show.

Really it fails already in 3 categories, no story, boring grapheme and cheap look...


But it doesn't finish there. The overall soundtrack in Yahari is so forgettable, even bad at points. Information technology's just such run of the manufacturing plant music that plays in the background without sticking out for a 2d.

The voice acting is expert equally usual, I would have face palmed if they would have fucked that upwards besides.

The opening is terrible and I always skipped it, the catastrophe vocal is just equally bad.

Four Strikes... Yahari what are you doing?


As yous'd guess from my previous sections, yahari couldn't go along me enjoyed through the form of 13 episode.
While I didn't hate it (because and then I'd take dropped it without a second thought). I just felt really bored at some point and just finished it so I had it finished.
Here and there it was funny and fifty-fifty entertaining. The start was pretty okay as well, but around the middle it but dropped deeper and deeper into insignificance. Such a wearisome testify, it didn't even had potential it wasted, it was wasted correct from the showtime.


(Story) Content 3/10

Premise and Setting -i (highschool male child with highschool girls in a society...)
Genre Execution 0 (sometimes funny just more often than not irksome)
Dialogues and Cleverness 0 (some good dialogues only overall too mundane)
Interest Keeping -1 (nothing was happening!)

Characters 3/10

Personality 0 (weren't too bad)
Behavior and Chemistry 0 (very generic)
Evolution and Progression -1 (absolutely none)
Motivation and Properties 0 (uncomplicated)
Likability -i (fifty-fifty tough 8man was proficient anybody else as terrible)

Fine art and Blitheness five/10

Artstyle 0 (generic and wearisome)
Quality 0 (not impressive)
Background 0 (boring backgrounds)
Character Designs 0 (bad executed and bland looking)
Visual Effects 0 (simple)

Sound three/10

Voice Acting 0 (normal)
Opening and Catastrophe -1 (terrible)
Soundtrack -1 (unengaging)
Sound Effects 0 (normal)

Enjoyment 0/10

Art and Animation -1 (bad)
Sound -1 (bad as well)
Story and Content -1 (tiresome)
Characters -1 (annoying)
Value -i (an anime without whatsoever significance)


Yahari does nothing new or adept in the romcom genre. information technology's nevertheless some other school anime with an antisocial main character forced to collaborate with a bunch of girls. The events were mundane, the side characters annoying, art and sound below average. Truly a show non worth of any ones time.
If you want to spotter an enjoyable RomCom effort Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun made by the aforementioned studio concluding year. Information technology's not actually great or anything, only by far better than Yahari.
Or why non try out really good ones like ToraDora or Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojou by JC Staff. Even Kyoto Animations Hyouka has more to offer and a similar cool chief graphic symbol.

~3/x (Very Bad)

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Jun 28, 2013

Overall 9
Story 10
Animation 7
Audio 9
Grapheme 10
Enjoyment 9

"Some walks you take to take alone."

Somewhere along the mode, I read that quote. The source is unknown to me, just I plant that it struck central bespeak in life. Well, I guess I can't generalize and say everyone's life, just I would say most people have had times they felt they couldn't count on anyone. Life is full of things that make the states want to isolate people we don't empathize and make us desire to quit life. High school is full of those moments, those "emotional roller coaster" kind of moments. Basically, it can exist related to my agreement of Oregairu, I'll kind of explain...kinda afterwards on. Maybe.

Story - Meet Hikigaya Hachiman, pessimistic protagonist. Alliteration wins the day. Just kidding. Basically, this romantic comedy is centered around this social outcast. Forth with Yuigahama and Yukinoshita, these 3 characters make up the chief cast. Of course it'due south piece of cake to get-go assuming and stereotype this as the "usual" romcom. I beg to differ. The premise for the story isn't super original. I'll admit that. Simply over again, nearly things aren't. What might have been some other generic and boring romcom with mediocre ratings really was merely a disguise. After watching the starting time episode, I began looking forrard to the next calendar week. As I saturday myself down each week to lookout Oregairu, I realized just how well done the unabridged story was. Pacing-wise, I thought it was perfectly fine. There are pocket-sized issues, but none that truly sparks any debate.

Characters: Here was the biggest "fuck yep" moments I've ever had. The characters in this evidence were astounding. Let me explicate: from start to finish, how they started off as, how they developed, and the amazing interaction between the characters, especially Hikki and Yukinoshita, were but amazingly done. There really isn't a prove I enjoyed more than this based solely on graphic symbol development. Gotta love the bantering back and forth.

Truly, there are some gems of knowledge we can all learn from. Hikki, pessimistic and messed as he may exist, truly understands the globe far meliorate than almost of the other characters in the show. Despite his twisted views on life, he tries his best to help others. Not always in the nicest way, but definitely in a way that is effective. Throughout the show, there was nil more captivating than listening to Hikki'southward thought process and views on life.

I won't go into as well much details most the others, but know this: the premise for each character is nicely brought out and it truly was the highlight of the entire show. The characters I hateful. Interactions were perfectly portrayed and drew u.s. in. How nice of them. I laughed my ass - pardon my language - off so many different times throughout the bear witness just because of how well the interaction of the characters. Truly a masterpiece.

Art - Ah, I really was a little turned off by the fine art. Throughout the unabridged show, there was some episodes where information technology simply didn't await great. Merely it isn't and so bad to the indicate I wouldn't lookout man it. Somehow, as I watched more and more, I cared less and less. It was quite colorful, I'll admit. All in all, it wasn't something bad, I just thought they could accept done improve. But really at present, who cares about some subjective views of a random young adult? Probably not you.

Audio - Well, I must admit that the opening was something I never skipped. I really enjoyed listening to it. And throughout the prove, the soundtrack really fit well for the mood. I have nothing bad to say well-nigh information technology. Though I must confess I never stayed for the ending.

After finishing the show, that quote really hit me. Not and so much most what it meant, but that quote truly was something that describes Hikki and then very well. He truly understands the meaning of "walking lonely" and simply doing what needs to be done.

Basically, I gave this evidence a 9/10. I couldn't part to give it anything higher because despite how much I liked information technology, at that place were some parts that I couldn't enjoy (like my subjective views on the art and stuff but anyway). Despite all that, and minor details, it was a show I thoroughly enjoyed. Don't let the long name fool you, Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru, or "My youth romantic one-act is wrong as I expected", or Oregairu. Whatsoever you may call information technology, this show truly is one worth watching.

Recommended. Highly. Yeah. Now get picket.

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Jul 13, 2013

Overall 9
Story 9
Animation 9
Sound 9
Character 9
Enjoyment 9


What do you remember of when yous hear that 6 letter word? Some people think information technology'south a identify for instruction to secure a futurity. Some people think it's a place to hang out, make friends, and enjoy the experiences there. Then, there are some people who absolutely loathe school and call up it's like prison, a place for people who are forced to go there because their parents told them something along the line of "it's for your ain skillful!" Well, I'm not sure what category I belong to forth those options merely for a certain young human by the name of Hikigaya Hachiman, he takes distortion to a whole new level.

The serial is chosen My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU in English terms. The SNAFU part is an abbreviation for "situation normal: all fucked upwardly". No, I didn't make that up. On the other hand, the Japanese title is Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru that tin also exist abbreviated simply as Oregairu for easier writing. Regardless though, the serial is adapted from the light novel of the same proper name written by Wataru Watari.

I accept to admit, this series took me by quite a surprise. The first episode took off with a rather blend offset from my point of view as the series seemed to follow more of a slice of lifish mode of narrative. Every bit mentioned before, the series stars a cynical and anti-social immature homo by the name of Hachiman Hikigaya. He is in his second year at loftier school just dissimilar most people who thinks about sports, girls, or academics, he seemingly rejects reality and then much that he wishes his existence was never present. He maintains his life as typical with no friends, assembly, or a girlfriend. This could exist a understandable given his by with how he is often made fun of by his classmates and peers. Even the teacher never stood up to him when the time calls. Poor child...

However, this is most to alter because Hikigaya meets a girl who past the name of Yukino Yukinoshita. Unlike him, this girl is completely out of his league. (typical for him huh?) Yukino is seen as a girl who is admired for her dazzler, academics, but besides with a cold personality. Thus, she earns the title of "Ice-cold dazzler". At the same time, she plays the role of the president of a social club known as the "service guild", a club created to help others in demand. Just of grade, a gild is difficult to run with just two people right? Well, that's where Yuigahama Yui comes in. On a completely obstacle scale, Yui is cheerful and often puts on a smiling while enjoying the times of her life at school. Together, these three forms the trio of this series in a romantic comedy that's depicted equally a consummate "illusion" nether Hikigaya's eyes.

In this series, I discover perchance the graphic symbol interactions to exist i of the strongest points of the evidence. In fact, our iii main characters gets seemingly gets off to a rocky start in the beginning. Hikigaya stands isolated at many occasions in events while voicing out thoughts in his own heed. He seems to detest romance and likely reality itself. His 'deadfish optics' represents a physical side of this because in essence, fishes have no personality. In other words, Hikigaya plays the role of a cynical man. Yukino on to other manus seems to have a similar personality and at the same fourth dimension often makes sarcastic remarks to Hikigaya'southward responses. Her way of oral communication mannerisms shows why she earned the nickname "Ice-cold dazzler". This side of herself is further illustrated through her brutal honesty. In fact, Yukino is someone who goes against lies and speaks the truth at times no matter how forceful information technology may be. Yet, Yukino and Hikigaya does occasionally collaborate in agreement with diverse people. This commonly relates to their 'honey life' where the either of them immediately declares themselves as 'nothing more than friends'. Finally, in my view, Yui represents the middle girl of the trio. She is neither cold or contemptuous. Instead, she is cheerful and oftentimes brings a bright grinning to the gloom and doom of the club.

The pacing of this serial seemingly becomes a problem at first but and then, I realized it's not about romance merely rather the way these iii characters live out their lives through young in their schoolhouse lives. I'1000 sure some of usa felt this way one point or another in our lives every bit life seemingly moves way as well slow. For Hachiman though, he just wants it to be all over. At the same time however, Hachiman does seem to take some interest in his life. He does seem to detect both Yukino and Yui to exist attractive in physical terms. However, he doesn't seem to actually want to engagement them because from his perspective, romance is a faux reality; a lie.

The romance in this series is actually presented in a different way; no random fan service or breast groping. Rather, at that place'south more of a slice of life pacing that depicts our three primary characters' daily lives around others and around school also equally other places in afterward episodes. I personally find the romance in this series to be unique and even at times realistic. Although there's some obvious hints, it's rather presented in a conceptual manner through its dialogues. Rather, the dialogues of this series too remains ane of the strongest points in all of its episodes. Hachiman reflects them in his mind with his thoughts on the world and those around him. At i point, he goes over a long monologues that depicts his manner of thinking confronting a certain type of daughter. It'due south realistic because it can be related to anyone at school. Yes, I do hateful ANYONE.

Throughout the serial, there's also seemingly evolution with all three of our characters. Hachiman seems to change outlooks on himself while as well influencing others. Yukino's cold heart also seems to cook at various points equally she reveals more than of her vulnerable self. Additionally, Yui shows more than of her delicate cocky also. The dynamic trio plays out their roles in a recognizable way that depicts their characters throughout each episode.

Of course, high schoolhouse always has to drama to complete the formula right? The drama sometimes comes from the trio of our main characters. At other times, they are influenced by outside parties such every bit Yumiko Miura, a popular student at schoolhouse. She and Yukino are like oil and water equally the 2 never seems to become forth. Amidst other factors, there's also drama involving Hachiman and his interactions with others that seemingly puts others in an uncomfortable zone. It's a zone of drama and in this serial, it's definitely there.

Perhaps one of the strongest points I enjoyed in this series is Hachiman'south character. His personality is the type of "I don't requite a damn" nearly anything, whether information technology'south himself, others, or even the world around him. At the same fourth dimension, he has potent opinions about the world. Like I mentioned before, this is usually expressed through his monologues. They take a reflexive sense of language that is philosophical, deep, only at the same time to the point. Information technology illustrates the fact that Hachiman is cynical and at times even mean as demonstrated in 1 of the conversations he has with Yui. His view on his family besides seems to be indifferent equally shown through her interactions with his sister. The style Hachiman describes her equally "deviling" and "annoying" again reflects his personality. Withal, I find this to exist very well done because it is realistic. Information technology is how siblings act in real life because who am I kidding, no brothers and sisters can get along perfectly. Don't believe me, but take look at Oremio.

Throughout the series, there's also a visual sense on how lonely people behave. The interactions that Hachiman goes through seems to be forced by himself as often or non, he is unwilling to participate unless asked for. Even and then, he concedes in a reluctant way. It's non e'er easy to relate to him but there at many times I find his personality to be refreshing, realistic, and in the way of how his character is portrayed correct. He isn't the typical harem protagonist who can't make up one's mind on what's right or wrong. Rather, Hachiman is an opinionated immature man with his own views on the world. Those views are in the words of his dialogues that makes up the humor and personality of his graphic symbol. (oh and who am I kidding here, who tin can ignore those deadfish eyes and antenna like hair?)

The series does autumn under some common themes though despite its refreshment. The concept of 'students forming a club' is not a new thought. Anime series such as Medaka Box, Haganai, and Okami-San and Her Seven Companions has this idea of students coming together at schoolhouse to grade a lodge to help others or for their own purposes. It's been done before. At the aforementioned time, there'southward also the mutual sister trope used in this series. Furthermore, this series doesn't avert some fan service or the 'festival' mood. Although the fan service is toned down, it'south still there with the swimsuits, cos-play, and even maid outfits. There'southward even a trap in this series that distract the viewers and who am I kidding, Hachiman likewise with his thoughts. The poor kid sees everything equally an illusion and nigh at times tin't tell differences between fiction and reality.

Every bit regarding artwork, this series has some generic visuals. However, I observe it to fit within the themes of the series by the fashion it'south drawn to be unproblematic and to the point. The nearly obvious that stands out is Hachiman and his deadfish optics. In fact, his optics are never portrayed as normal merely rather as the type that stands out the entire show. Am I surprised? Of class not. Information technology fits him perfectly with his contemptuous personality. Then, there's cold beauty Yukino who is drawn with electric bluish eyes and long hair; a truthful beauty indeed. It's definitely memorable because of how they look so differently from others in the series. It'south also important to note that considering of their looks, they are different in full general. I felt that the mood of this serial was accomplished with this portrayal of visual artwork. Information technology sets the realism and style of our primary characters that are piece of cake to be told apart. It's appealing and this series pulled it off right. There's no stupid deformed characters or inconsistency. Information technology'southward down to the signal and I'1000 grateful for that.

The soundtrack of the series has a low-cal impact to its themes. I felt that the voice actors and actresses did an outstanding task with their performances in their roles. Hachiman's tone is completely straight frontwards with no hesitation on what's on his listen. His monologues are from his personal thoughts and I felt that Eguchi Takuya did a swell functioning. The cold tone and brutal honesty is also reflected in the voice of Hayami Saori. Finally, Yui'due south voice actress protrays the cheerful voice to balance out the trio. The temper of the evidence is lighthearted and thus the OST remains so as well. It's orchestrated with deadening footstep and connects everything well. At that place's that sense of realism to proceed with it with that pacing and soundtrack makes information technology lucifer. The OP song, "Yukitoki" by Nagi Yanagi shows montages of the characters and how they come up together as the Service Club. Similarly the ED song, "Hi Alone" shows more of a bonding that is memorable at heart.

All in all, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU was a refreshing show for me. It's similar taking a deep jiff and thinking dorsum about youth and school life. It can likewise be related to many of us who has gone through the high school years forth with those experiences of youth. Whether you were the pop kid, the loner, or somewhere the middle, in that location'southward e'er something you can dig out from this series related to school. The primary graphic symbol Hachiman is i of my favorites from the Spring 2013 lineup with his personality. Whether it's his character, his dialogues, or merely himself, I loved the manner he is portrayed in this series. Of grade, I do feel a bit sorry for him as well at diverse occasions.

Regardless, this series stands out equally something that definitely in my estimation to spent fourth dimension on. Even if you lot don't similar the thought of the typical school life setting where a group of kids are in a society doing stuff to aid others, I remember this series correct here may change your heed a scrap. It may start off slow paced only that's also how life is. For Hachiman, youth is an illusion. For me, this serial' illusion is reality that has been quite an enjoyable experience. After all, nosotros all been through youth with a different outlook, no?

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